Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Weight gain

We tend to indulge ourselves during holidays. Here are a few tips to ensure that you enjoy your holidays while still keeping a watch on your waistline.

Holidays are not only synonymous with long lines, heavy traffic,favourite movies and TV watching but also with extremely rich foods, overindulgence and lower activity levels.
The latter adds up and becomes part of what we all dread - 'Holiday Weight Gain'. During holidays, people are more prone to eat high-fat, high-calorie foods that they might not choose otherwise.
In addition to this, we are all genetically coded to eat more when there is an abundance of food in front of us. This promoted survival in our ancestors, but in modern times, we need to modify this code and be cautious to back off a bit. Holiday weight gain happens to almost everyone.

So beware on your holidays as your summer holidays approaches...

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